Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Joshua's Lung Surgery


The plan for Joshua's lung surgery is this Thursday (7/16) at 7:45 AM but we have to be there at 6 AM for the pretesting and prep. The surgeon's plan is to cut out all the cancer and it may take 2 1/2 hours or more to complete. We hope and pray that all the cells extracted from the lung show no signs of active, living cancer cells. If there were not any active cells they can go after what's in the liver. After this lung surgery, Joshi has only short time to recoop because it is on to the next surgery on his liver is planned for another surgery next Thursday (7/23) on his liver. and then follow up with chemo to clean up what may have been missed.
I pray that Joshi will be responsive and understanding to a degree but then again, ignorance is bliss at times. This has been tough on ALL of us because we know what's at stake but I believe that Joshua knows a little about what's going on. His inquizative nature allows him to explore his thoughts and feelings on several issues. Please continue to pray to God on Joshua's behalf, we will see what God can do in and through him and us because HE IS ABLE!
Christ...The Cure All,Nadene


Sneaker Teacher said...

I will keep Joshua in my thoughts!

stephanie freeberg said...

me and eric both will keep him in are prayers and i will also have my father in law who is a pastor at christ the redeemer church in jacksonville to have joshua in his thoughts and prayers