Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our Legacy

What are we leaving for our kids? What will they say drove our hearts? Was it praise of men, or serving our neighbor? Was it a bigger house, or giving shelter to those in need? Is it the trendiest clothes or giving to the poor?
I am not working for my salvation. I am not trying to "please" the Father. My debt was paid by the Savior on a cross over 2,000 years ago. And it's my faith alone in him that redeems me. But as time marches on, quite quickly these days, and as I say goodbye to more and more loved ones as they cross over to eternity...I have to say. What am I driven by and what do I live for?
Will our kids go through our drawers one day and find old paid bills or a pile of thank you cards? I am saddened by so many who when asked to serve or help..."don't have the time." And I know, because I was like that once.

This is my challenge to myself...what will my kids remember of me? Will they love community and service? Or will they seek after abundance and entertainment?

Oh the heart of a servant. That is what I want to leave for my girls.

1 comment:

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