Monday, July 6, 2009

Help Me Spread the Word!

I want you to meet this family...if Autism has touched you, someone you love or even just a neighbor then you know how much more there needs to be done. This family needs us, so spread the word, e-mail the blog out to your friends. You may not be able to help them, but there is someone you know who will reach out and be the answer to a prayer.

Visit them today at:

There is a sale on her site for a kids dress that is just adorable. The proceeds go to their needs for treating their Daughter. Hope you will go and at least leave a post to support them.

1 comment:

melody mccain dowdy said...

thanks sweet tammy for spreading the word-i see you are a mops mom too-i started a mops group at our church a few years back-was coordinator for three and am starting my sixth year in mops-love it! -hope some of your friends will get a dress-her stuff is super cute-and really well made. :) blessings to you and yours-thanks again for the post -melody